Free Online Presentation: How to Stop Suffering – NOW | with Tiger Singleton

The Courage to Take Risks


Oops... we don't have a description written for this yet, but it's probably still pretty insightful.

Once we see that the landscape of Life is inherently playful in nature, it presents the opportunity for you to take your human on a great adventure. As with all adventures, they are only adventurous because of some element of risk.

(updates below this insight)

If there is no risk, there is no adventure.

What Risk?

Well, in many ways, it’s connecting with the sincerity of our heart and seeing how your human would authentically enjoy playing in this life. Invariably, this direction will require us to face some fears we have. These fears point toward that risk.

  • I’m afraid of being rejected
  • I’m afraid of it not working out
  • I’m afraid of feeling unsafe or insecure
  • I’m afraid of what happens next if I succeed

In summary, the risk is…” I’m afraid of losing what I’m holding on to,” which is also… some imaginary false sense of security.

However, in our holding on to these things and our avoidance of risk, there is no chance to experience the reward.

The Reward?

Yes, on two different levels.

  • Firstly, on the level of awareness and seeing more of what is true beyond your fears (less fear = more love).
  • Secondly, on the level of your human play, which get to experience a more purposeful and passionate existence expressed in physical form.

So so so often, when I talk with people, there is the very obvious call for adventure, a call to jump into the unknown and follow what seems to be deeply purposeful, passionate, and fun/exciting/playful, but… in many cases, the mind comes in and discredits this sincerity by threatening… the loss of security, the possibility of being rejected, and the general unworthiness that would arise if it didn’t work it.

We are (innocently & adorably) held hostage by the mind’s determination to “keep us safe.” But what it wants to keep safe is… who we think we are. It wants to protect our fearful illusions by not allowing us to BE fully human.


In a recent coaching session I had, I was helping someone connect with a deeper purpose that included the sincerity of their adventurous heart. They were trapped in the assumption that their purpose was somehow to try and fit into the culture at their corporate job, when, deep down, there was a voice saying “I don’t belong here.”

This person assumed the voice was wrong and ended up rejecting their own heart in an effort to fit into a world or an environment that didn’t speak to their aliveness of being human. They are only at that job, doing that work, not out of purpose, passion, and play, but out of fear; a fear of losing security, a fear of the unknown, a fear of what other people might think if they no longer worked there.

As we examined the adorable insanity of these fears, we started to tap into a more sincere aliveness (passion) that really spoke to the authenticity of her humanness. Like… “How do you really want to spend your time?”

In some way or another, the answer always comes back to…

“I want to serve the heart of other humans in a way that deeply resonates with my personal interests and skill-sets. I want to contribute in a way that FEELS really good.”

This is a great adventure, to let go of our false securities and see more… possibilities; to see a life experience that matches what is deeply sincere (purpose), rather than avoiding what is sincere because we are afraid of impossible things.

We playfully explored these possibilities and began mapping out a “playful” strategy to allow this sincerity to be expressed in the world.

The FUNNY THING IS… as you get in touch with a more sincere purpose, then the other things you do, like a corporate job, don’t become a burden anymore; it becomes an instrument that helps you express your primary purpose. What was once seen as a burden is no longer in the way because you are now connected to yourself in a deeper way. Now, we can, in time, playfully move away from doing things that don’t resonate, and playfully do more of what does resonate.

This is real growth; facing your fears, honoring the sincerity of your human, and going on this epic adventure called being ALIVE.



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