Vibrant Health, Body Pain, & Leadership


Oops... we don't have a description written for this yet, but it's probably still pretty insightful.

What is it to be alive? Not just here on planet earth as a human, but to really BE alive in Heart, Mind, and Body?

This inquiry inspires something in me, and I’ve been exploring it recently with the inLight Connect Chef & Wellness Advocate, Shayna Dameron.

Our conversations explored how the status quo of “being healthy” or eating “healthy foods,” completely misses the real opportunity of “Being Vibrantly Alive.”

Traditionally, being healthy has been about what you do and don’t do, eat or don’t eat, as if there was 1 concrete path for everyone that would result in being healthy. Furthermore, you can find so many arguments about what is or is not the right path! “Do this, don’t do that.” and… “Don’t do that, do this.”

This search for the “right way” is to search for an external dogma, rather than to listen deeply to what the body is saying and asking for, which might be completely different from what somebody else’s body might be saying and asking for.

Also, in my working with people 1:1, it’s common to encounter people who do all the “right” healthy things AND look physically amazing and beautiful. Yet… (understandably) they feel uninspired, ugly, exhausted, and completely lost in why they are even alive. There is no Vibrancy, there is no real Aliveness passionately flowing through their veins.

It’s an interesting inquiry, for Shayna and me, and we are going to be doing more work together as it relates to creating free content, coaching, and retreat opportunities for people to dive more deeply into this for themselves.

The first step to vibrant health is to understand that physical and emotional health is never only about the food, the diet, or what you DO. It is about who you BE unto yourself, and it’s an individual exploration and understanding of your authentic human needs. -Shayna



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