Quote: “If you touch fire and ignore the alarm of pain, not only does the pain intensify, but you further damage your physical body, and living in your body becomes even more difficult and problematic.”
When I consider the question, “How do I want to help you (my readers/audience)?”
I naturally look to my direct experience and ask, “Well, what has been most helpful for me?”
The answer I receive is both immediate and clear. It also brings a warmth that somehow fills me with a deep gratitude for being alive.
The answer: I want to help you connect (or reconnect) with your true nature and return to a more grounded, loving, and playful version of yourself.
Why This?
Let’s take a short deep dive and explore why this is so important.
The Problem:
It’s a problem of disconnect, where you are innocently, but also massively, confused about what’s real and true for yourself, others, and life. This confusion resembles the sensation of being lost, which brings with it a fear that agitates your human and makes it damn-near impossible to be peacefully present.
This “disconnect” is simply a misunderstanding, a conditioned belief, a patterned way of thinking about yourself that is not an accurate representation of what is real and true.
The Pain (Suffering):
This problem results in suffering, and suffering can be loosely described as feeling painfully separate or distant from what your heart craves to experience. Of course, the suffering exists along a relative scale, but whether it’s minor or major, the cause remains the same.
Suffering is the mechanism that serves as an alarm bell that attempts to tell you that you’re disconnected from the truth of what you are; essentially, you’re not seeing clearly.
The pain is not a punishment, in the same way that the pain from touching fire is not a punishment, but it’s an alarm that sends a signal to get your immediate attention. The physical body craves wellness, so, when something happens that threatens that wellness, like touching fire, Life sends a signal.
Your soul craves wellness, which is an alignment with your true nature, when you are out of alignment (disconnected) you will receive the alarm of suffering. Again, not a punishment; but actually, a helpful message that has your best interest at heart.
The Negative Consequence:
If you touch fire and ignore the alarm of pain, not only does the pain intensify, but you further damage your physical body, and living in your body becomes even more difficult and problematic.
Same with the problem of being disconnected from your true nature. If you ignore the alarm bells, you only further disconnect yourself from what your heart craves to experience. Which, obviously, can only lead toward more pain and suffering.
This is found in our repeated patterns of self-sabotage, conflict, drama, and emotional turmoil. All of these things are alarm bells, that, if ignored, make living life even more painful and difficult.
Humans, have become masters at ignoring these alarm bells. You’ve learned strategies to suppress, hide, numb, and distract yourself from them. To no fault of your own, you’ve become quite crafty in your ability to… effectively, lie to yourself about the pain you are experiencing.
The Obvious Solution:
In the work I do, writing, speaking, creating content, holding space for people, there’s this common theme that essentially invites you to be more honest about your experience.
This self-honesty, is the first step toward closing the gap of disconnection. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey, or how spiritual you think you are or are not, the mechanism remains the same.
Self-honesty, is simply an expression of openness to look and see what is more deeply true within what you are. More true, than what you’re pretending to be. More true, about what you really want. And, more true, about the ways you’re pushing away what your heart desires to experience.
Beyond the Woo-Woo
You see, real enlightenment, or spiritual awakening, beyond all the woo-woo, is actually about coming to terms with the truth of things. It’s like understanding the reality of your body’s relationship with fire.
It doesn’t matter if you want to hold fire between your bare fingertips, the truth of reality clearly states: touching fire with your bare skin does not serve the truth of what you are. The enlightenment or awakening here is our reverence for this truth.
A reverence that not only lets go of wanting fire, or Life, to be something it’s not, but also invites a respect for fire and for life as it is.
What becomes evident is that life, with its fiery reality, is not against you, it’s not an obstruction, nor is it a problem. In this understanding, rather than trying to play God or demand life to be something it’s not, you cultivate a relationship with this fire, with reality. This relationship can enhance your experiences in beautiful and beneficial ways. However, this can only occur if you accept the reality of the way things are.
The Most Important Thing
Closing the gap of this disconnect and resolving the innocent misunderstanding leads to a more grounded, loving, and playful version of yourself.
Please note: I’m not suggesting that we should “try” to be more grounded, loving, and playful. Instead, I’m saying that by healing the disconnect, everything else you crave will naturally follow.
This is why the problem I want to help you solve, the problem of being disconnected from your true nature, is the most important and real problem. In fact, all the problems we imagine we have pointed back to this primary confusion.
There’s a Bible quote that attempts to clarify this, but if one’s mind is wrapped up in dogma, either for or against one path over another, then the message can be misunderstood.
The quote:
- “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
In the simplest terms, this quote is saying:
- Everything you crave is a natural byproduct of understanding the truth of what you are and the truth of life.
It’s Not Magic
Today’s technology, if presented 1,000 years ago, would undoubtedly be seen as magic. However, what technology truly represents is a deeper understanding of reality and how it works. It’s not magic at all; there’s actually a profound simplicity as you deepen your awareness of what’s real and true.
If we were to playfully fast-forward to a deeper level of awareness about your true nature, then the reality of what I’m pointing toward might become unavoidably obvious. However, from where you currently stand, you might assume I’m talking about some kind of spiritual magic.
No, I’m talking about a deeper reality to what you are, a profound simplicity about how this “life thing” actually works.
The mind, in its ignorance, just like those 1,000 years ago who assumed taking photographs was the work of the devil, assumes the limitations you experience now are just cold, hard facts of reality.
Your mind can be convinced that you’re not worthy of what your heart desires to experience. Your mind can be convinced that you are this separate little creature that’s disconnected from Life and must struggle your way through; settling for the scraps that don’t really feed your soul.
I want to help you
To be clear, my desire to help you is quite playful in nature. As in, I don’t need to, but I’m open to it. I’m open to it because watching you heal, watching you remember what’s true about you, is a glorious sight to behold.
This is a gift I extend to myself, which is like allowing me to find time to watch the sunrise. My service, my work, is a devotion that honors the miracle of life, doing what I can to help others wake up and see this miracle for themselves.
However, there is a prerequisite, a requirement that comes before I can be of any genuine service.
If I am to help you, you must see how deeply important and primary this discovery is. You must recognize that, in a very real way, it’s the most important thing.
I say this while holding a space of equality for where everyone is at on their journey. The truth I’m pointing toward can be communicated in a thousand different ways, and be appropriate at 1,000 different stages of personal/spiritual development.
A Deep Resonance
What’s important here, between you and me, is this element of resonance.
The message I share, if it touches something deeply true within you if it inspires your heart or perhaps even irritates your ego, then something is calling out to you.
If there is this combination of deep resonances and the acknowledgment that this is deeply important, then yes… I can help you.
The first challenge you’ll have to overcome is one of self-honesty about the pain and disconnect you feel, and then being open enough to actually receive support.
If you’ve read this far…
Want to explore the ways I can more directly support your journey, bringing you back to yourself and reconnecting with that grounded, loving, and playful version of yourself?