If there is such a thing as choice, then every choice is actually one choice.
Allow & Flow -OR- Deny & Resist
It’s a choice of honoring the truth of what is and letting it flow. Or, denying the truth of what is in hopes of preserving or protecting the illusion of self.
In every moment of apparent choice, you already know what is sincere, what is present and true within you. The question is not “what should I do?” The question is, “what is sincere within what I am, what Truth wants to breathe?”
Will you allow what is sincere, what is authentic, what is real? Or, will you deny it, resist it, because it threatens the imagined self-image that we hold up to the world.
This denial of the true Self, this rejection of what is real within you, is to worship the image of yourself. Rather than honoring the sacredness of your precious heart and the truth of what is real/sincere.
To allow what is sincere, what is authentic, what is real, is simply to allow Life to be Life. This is to get out of the way and let God be God, to let the truth of life be the truth of life.
The more deeply I see that this choice is between what is real and what is imagined, is see that it’s not much of a choice at all.
Welcome to the great garden of Life and being human, where the Truth of Life has already embraced the truth of what you are. It’s okay to breathe.
The resistance that does not allow yourself to be yourself, that does not allow yourself to breathe, is the first act of violence that turns heaven into hell.
I see that… yes, in appearances, there are so many choices we seem to make during the day. However, those important choices, always invite the opportunity to honor what is real and sincere within.
For example, in any sort of relationship transition, we tend to withhold our sincerity and try to do what we think is “right” – socially speaking, rather than just being honest, rather than allowing ourselves to just be sincere.
This, of course, speaks to the difficulty, we are afraid of doing it wrong, rather than allowing what is true. This fear of choosing wrong, causes us to hold our breath, so to speak, which is like not checking in what’s actually sincere. We are trying to do the ‘right’ thing rather than the honest thing.
But hey, it’s scary, I totally get that. No judgment if we find ourselves being too afraid. However, the question is, what do you want to honor? Your heart and how you truly feel? Or, the image of yourself and how other people see you?
Also, can you hold a space that honors other people’s sincerity, and allow them to be honest even though it might sting? Remember, often what we feel isn’t based on what’s true, but how we feel or what we feel, is truly how we feel. It’s important to allow what is true about what we feel, even if how we feel is based on our confusions and fears. It is important to let ourselves and others breathe, so we can get it out and look at it. If we hold our breath, then we don’t have the opportunity to truly see how we see.
Are you in a period of great transition, and desire some support?
One thing that I’m focused on, personally, is 3 month 1-on-1 journeys to help support people in moving and seeing more consciously. This can help greatly, having a space where we can come together and see beyond the mind’s fearful and painful projections. We can see the opportunity of what is happening, rather than see it as a problem to be feared. Also, we can find some more tactful ways to communicate; sometimes we just don’t have the right words. I might be able to help with that 😉.
(I’m only offering this to a few people at a time, so I can really dive in and give focused attention)
If something like that sounds beautifully supportive, reply to this email, and we can explore that possibility.
Big Hugs to you All
I deeply appreciate you in my life, where I can ponder these things for myself and then share them with you.
~Tiger 🐯